New releases and publications
Research to read up on
New publications for your bookshelf. Below you will find a list of new publications with the corresponding ISBN as well as other publications from previous years:
- Spielhofer Lukas, Babrios. An interpretative commentary on the Prologues and Fables 1 to 17
Hermes Einzelschriften 125, Stuttgart. Franz Steiner Publishers. 2023.ISBN 978-515-13515-3 - Lehner Manfred - Pritz Robert, Der Schöckl - Heiliger Berg der Römer.
Exhibition companion (ed. by Bernadette Biedermann and Nikolaus Reisinger). Graz. Unimuseum own publishing house. 2023 - Kumpitsch Winfried. What the gods want
Religion in the series Die Siedler. Glücksstadt. VWH. 2023., ISBN 978-3-86488-192-3 - Oppitz Florian. Christian lifeworlds in the Danube provinces of the Pannonian diocese from the 3rd to the 7th century.
Mattersburg. Main department collections of the province. 2023.ISBN 978-3-901517-93-8 - Linder, Margit; Peitler, Karl; Schinzel Christian; Spickermann, Wolfgang; Wahl, Marc Philipp. Carrying owls to Athens. Coins of Ancient Greece.
Graz. Graz Media Factory. 2023.ISBN 978-3-515-13515-3

Further publications of the Department
Gärtner, U./Spielhofer, L. (eds.): Ancient Fables - Sour Grapes? New Approaches.
Hildesheim. Zurich. New York 2022 (Spudasmata 195)
Krapinger Gernot. Plato. Politeia. The State. Greek/German.
Edited and translated by Gernot Krapinger. Stuttgart. Reclam. 2023
Krapinger Gernot. Seneca. De constantia sapientis. On the imperturbability of the wise. Latin/German.
Stuttgart. Reclam. 2023
Römisches Österreich, vol. 45. annual journal of the Austrian Society for Archaeology.
Peter Scherrer (ed.), Graz 2023
Thousand Klaus. Early Cultures of the Aegean Vol. 2.
Stuttgart. Kohlhammer. 2023
Hafner Markus. Function, Voice, Fiction: Studies on Conceptions of Cooperative Authorship in Early Greek and Classical Literature.
Munich. C.H. Beck. 2023

Series of the Department
Austria antiqua
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA)
Grazer Altertumskundliche Studien (GAST)
Grazer Beiträge - Journal for Classical Antiquity Studies
Graz Comparative Works (GVA)
Nummi et litterae
Roman Austria (RÖ)
Publications of the Institute of Archaeology of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz (VdIGraz)