Support in the study of Ancient History and Antiquity
Your studies - your curricula
Bachelor's program
Curriculum for the Bachelor's degree program in Ancient History and Classical Studies (17W)
Curriculum for the Bachelor's degree program in Ancient History and Classical Studies (Amendment)
Curriculum for the Bachelor's degree program in Ancient History and Classical Studies (13W)
Master's program
Curriculum for the Master's degree program in Ancient History and Classical Studies (11W)
Curriculum for the doctoral program (17W)

Advice and support
Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr.phil. Margit Linder
CuKo-Vorsitzende Ancient History and Antiquity on the web
We provide a helpful list of links for research purposes and for successful academic work:
- Onlineportal - Ancient History and Classical Studies Graz
- L'année philologique - Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine
- Kirke - Catalog of Internet Resources for Classical Philology
- Perseus Digital Library
- Gnomon Bibliographic Database
- Propylaeum - Virtual Library of Classical Studies
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL)
- Searchable Greek Inscriptions (Packard Humanities Institute)