When it comes to the end of your studying carreer
Everything about graduation
Is the end of your studies approaching? There are a few administrative procedures and deadlines to consider before you can hold your degree certificate and graduation notice in your hands. We provide information about graduation, final theses, recognition of examination courses, transcripts, collection of ongoing and completed theses. You will also find helpful links here.

Ancient History and Antiquity
Announcement BA thesis topics for 11W - 17W (internal evidence)
What is a Bachelor thesis? How do I submit a Bachelor's thesis?
Everything you need to know about deadlines, announcing topics and supervising Master's theses at the Faculty of Humanities
How do I register for the final examination? How do I submit my thesis? We provide the answers!
Information on doctoral programs, announcing the topic and submitting the dissertation
Ongoing Master's theses
Ancient History and Antiquity
- Haubenwallner Tobias: Greek colonization in the Archaic and Classical periods: developments over time
- Markus Grinschgl: Victoria Augusti. Victories and victoriousness on the imperial coinage of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.
- Maritschnig Alexandra: Politically active women of the Roman imperial period in historiography - from Livilla to Faustina minor
- Thiesz Caroline: The Praetorship in the Roman Imperial Period
- Tscheinig Isabell: Lightly armed men in Greek warfare
- Geher Armin: Roman Poliorketics in the Early Imperial Period
- Kosir, Björk: "Buried, researched and exhibited" - The correct ethical handling of human remains in a museum and archaeological context
- Lechner, Olivia: The hippo sandals of the Styrian Salzkammergut. Analysis and typology of the pieces found, including their location within the regional Roman road and settlement context
- Bachlinger, Klaus: Young and sporty. Children and adolescents in ancient sport
- Salbrechter Kilian: Two- and three-bladed bronze arrowheads of Central Europe - A categorization by experimental archaeological tests with examples from the Libna find complex
- Schnepf, Verena: Photogrammetry as a method of archaeology: A photograph of the funerary aedicula of Donawitz (working title)Lehner
- Zelenka Anna: Marble roofs in the eastern Mediterranean region
- Vondrak Teresa: The dolphin-riding Eros in Roman sculpture. An exemplary study with a focus on a sculpture from the Archaeology Museum Graz
- Brandstätter Pascale: Forgotten, unknown, "underground" features from the Nazi era in Graz: A methodical approach from the side of archaeology
- Fercher Anna: The keep of Ras/Turne Castle (St. Jakob im Rosental). Finds and features from the 2009-2010 excavations
- Huber Johanna: Settlement history and landscape archaeology between Lake Millstätter See and Tschiernock
- Kall Andreas: Archaeological sources on associations in the Roman world
- Papf Kerstin: The findings at the eastern edge of the Roman settlement of Kalsdorf near Graz (excavation 2000) as an example of the genesis and structures of small-town settlement activity in the south-eastern Alpine region
- Peyrer Clemens-Karl: The Globasnitz 2020 excavation in the context of the settlement history of Iuenna
- Pichler Thomas: Structure and topography of extra-urban sanctuaries of the Roman Imperial period in the south-eastern Alps
- Schöggl Johanna: Roman transfer of goods and transportation by road/river: landscape archaeological and computer-aided methodological approaches
- Schweinzer Sandra: Archaeological evaluation of aerial photographs using the example of Graz-Reininghaus (working title)
- Trapp Matthias: Castle Ried am Riederberg (Lower Austria), excavation processing
- Weidacher Melanie: All roads lead to the Schöckl - old road research on the development of the Roman hilltop sanctuary in antiquity
- Zehentner Viktoria: Growing up in Noricum. Being a child in the province from an interdisciplinary perspective
- Palek, Florian: The Aulen mosaic from Bruckneudorf (working title)
- Rasser Fiona: Beyond death - Crosscultural case studies of human sacrifice and identity
- Lang, Sarah: Archaeological commentaries on frequently read passages in the teaching of ancient languages
- Scherzer, Sebastian: The late antique graves from the 2005, 2006 and 2011 excavations in St. Pölten/Aelium Cetium
- Debenjak, Nadja Suvi Tuulia: An Archaeo-Astronomical study of the Early Minoan Tombs of Mesara
- Bauer, Kerstin: Is there an Arcadian women's costume?
- Elmer, Laura: Attic pottery in the Peloponnese
Classical Philology
- Edhofer Caterina: Intrigue in Phaedrus - a narratological analysis of the fables 2,4; 3,16 and 4,9
- Feinig Simone: Didactic analysis and exemplary preparation of legal texts from the curriculum module "Specialist languages and texts"
- Gasplmayr Katharina: Omnibus est labor impendendus: A metapoetic consideration of the creation of trees in Vergil's Georgica
- Stojkovic Nicolas: Translation as a teaching approach in language teaching - What foreign language didactics of living languages can learn from the didactics of classical languages
Ongoing PhD theses
Ancient History and Antiquity
- Großegger Lukas: The good, the bad, and Cicero. Power-political networks in Rome in the 1st century BC
- Hofbauer Stefan: "Sicilian dogs and Spartan pestles". The historical personalities in the Aristophanic comedies.
- Diez Gregor: Roman diplomacy in high and late republican times
- Frühwirt Tatiana: Local panthea of the late Hittite states: Taking stock on the basis of hieroglyphic Luwian and cuneiform texts
- Peffel Konrad: Countries make people - foreignness as the basis of northern anxiety
- Scholler Matthias: Ruler cult and crisis. The imperial cult in the "crisis" of the 3rd century A.D.
- Unfricht Armin: Identity, integration, politics: on the social significance of heroization and cultic veneration of historical figures among the Greeks
Thousand K.
- Schachner Alexander: Between Piety and Pragmatism. Possibilities and limits of the military use of Greek sanctuaries
One thousand S.
- Merkl-Langmann Gerald: The Enemies of Athens in the Mirror of Attic Tragedy
- Dornig, Nina: The Jauntal in Roman times
- Modl Daniel: Religious and economic archaeological studies on an old road in the Salzkammergut. The interdisciplinary evaluation of the prehist. And Roman excavation and prospection finds from Pichlkainisch and the Koppentretalm near Bad Aussee, Styria
- Tiefengraber Susanne: Airborn Laserscans of the GIS Steiermark and their usability for the development of archaeological sites in Styria. New resources for the visualization of a settlement structure
- Kroissenbrunner Gudrun: Water-Stone-Metal. Fountain figures and decorative fountain ornaments in the north-western provinces of the Imperium Romanum.
- Sturmann Sabine: Figural limestone reliefs from Cyprus (working title)
- Gaberz Stefanie: Admontbichl Castle - medieval fortification and modern castle. Finds and findings of the archaeological construction supervision
- Horvath Levente: The development of Graz from a fortress settlement to a city based on the excavation results from the main square of Graz (10th to 15th century) in the context of the Central European urban development problem.
- Kiszter Sarah: The archaeological investigations of the old castle Schwanberg-Tanzboden (district Deutschlandsberg, Styria) from 2004 to 2012
- Murlasits Edith: Opportunities and dangers of freely available remote sensing and GIS data in archaeological prospection using the example of Styria
- Freiberger Josef: Grave stelae from the towns and territories of south-eastern Norcum and south-western Pannonia
- Probst Dagmar: The collection of antiquities of Ludovico Ludovisi
- Malagoli Elena: Gods and Oaths in the Mittani Treaty: Resonant Self-World Relations in the Ancient Near East
- Paizi Eirini: Near Eastern Images of the Divine in the Early Iron Age Aegean: Object Biography, Agency, and Religious Syncretism
- Fuchs Stefan: Basic Archaeological Research in the Upper Mur Valley in Styria. The settlement chambers around the eastern Aichfeld from Knittelfeld to St. Michael
- Grebien Matthias: The city wall of Side (working title)
- Kanat Selen: Agora complexes in Asia Minor
- Leitold Julia: The temple district of St. Michael am Zollfeld
- Maier Hanne: The coinage of small towns in the Peloponnese in the 4th century BC
- Mauthner Florian: The Latène period settlement between the Mura and the Koralpe
- Nestorovic Aleksandra: Archaeological Data of the Villa Urbana at Zgornji Breg at Ptuj (Poetovio), Slovenia
- Wolfmayr Sarah: Mechanical Engineering in Antiquity. An analysis of the history of technology
- Zeger Ulrike: Excavations on the south-eastern surface of Amphitheater I in Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. A look into the Canabae Legionis of Carnuntum
- Klöckl Regina: The pottery of archaic to Hellenistic times from the Pheneos site
- Papazoi Elli: Cult topography in ancient Pheneos
- Pavel Diana: The aspects of the Etruscan altar during the 7th to 2nd centuries B.C. (working title)
Classical Philology
- Goda, Krisztina: Ars et scientia: Literature as a way of imparting knowledge. Jesuit didactics in the Latin and German poetry of Michael Denis. A contribution to Austrian educational policy and knowledge culture of the 18th century
- Knapp, Birgit: De locis infestis a spiritibus by Petrus Thyraeus - The analytical classification of the demonic in 17th century Styrian Jesuit literature (with introduction, edition and commentary)
- Merkl, Gerald: Ancient stylistic criticism in Roman technical literature after Cicero
- Ploj, Blaz: Religious rituals in the theater of Plautus
- Poms Christopher: Commentary on the interpretation of Avian's fables
- Werzer, Lukas: Prodesse et delectare: Reading Latin literature? On dealing with literary texts in Latin lessons and the skills acquired from them
- Wurzinger Clemens: How literature touches us. Tibullus and his rituals
Master's degrees 2023
Ancient History and Classical Studies
Posch Christopher: Ancient geographical concepts of the world of the Greeks and Romans (6th century BC to 2nd century AD)
Krenn Thomas: Isocrates' ideas in counterfactual history
Completed master's and diploma theses in Ancient History until 2022
Scherer Hans: The Sondage J-North in Pheneos/Arcadia - Finds of a mud-brick building from the Classical period
Kosir Björk: "Buried, researched and exhibited" - The correct ethical handling of human remains in a museum and archaeological context
Schutti Marina: Pigs in Prehistoric Cyprus
Human-suid relations in the Neolithic
Pösendorfer Laura: Theoretical aspects for archaeological cultural mediation in the city of Graz with a focus on antiquity
Completed master's and diploma theses in archaeology until 2022
Classical Philology
Completed master's and diploma theses in Classical Philology until 2022
Completed PhD theses
Ancient History and Antiquity
Mocharitsch Teresa: With Tacitus to the 'Fatherland'. Early Germanic history and visual culture from 1648 to 1815
Leitold Julia: The temple district of St. Michael am Zollfeld. Findings and small finds from the 2001-2005 excavations